Fallout frontier release date
Fallout frontier release date

fallout frontier release date

fallout frontier release date

Fallout frontier release date mod#

It's back up on Nexus Mods, however, the Steam Page is still down pending a larger refresh of the installation file.Īn update on The Frontier's Nexus Mod page from project lead tgspy condemned the depictions of pedophilia in "the strongest possible way." The person responsible has since been removed from the mod team and had "no influence on the writing of the project." The Frontier was quickly taken down after its launch on January 15th as the mod team removed the questionable content. Screenshots of some highly questionable content began circulating around social media depicting a teenage character described as a "sex slave." Besides the implied underage sex, there were also revelations that one of the mod creators was involved in the creation of "inappropriate content involving anthropomorphic minors." Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 Wasteland. Work on the projects side quests is still ongoing it seems, as fans will have to wait until Octofor its official release. While obviously there cant be a definitive answer until The Frontier gets released, does anyone know anything about comparability between TTW and The Frontier. As seen in the footage below for Fallout: New California, Radian Helix Media has put together an incredibly sizable total conversion mod of New Vegas that includes an original story, side quests, and eight companions. Last week, a very damaging revelation happened for Fallout: The Frontier, a new Fallout: New Vegas mod that adds 150 hours of content. So Ive heard rumors that The Frontier is very close to release. There's a reason that project leads need to see everything that happens in a game before they give the green light.

Fallout frontier release date